The cost of rehab or an intervention shouldn't stop you from seeking drug and alcohol treatment. Flexible financing is available from Intervention 911.
Intervention 911 will make sure you get the drug and alcohol treatment you need, regardless of your financial situation.
The staff at Intervention 911, lead by top interventionist, Ken Seeley, encourages you to not let the cost get in your way of seeking drug and alcohol rehab programs for yourself or a loved one.
If you are worried about someone who is abusing drugs and alcohol, you may need to stage an intervention to get your loved one to listen. Ken Seeley specializes in helping families communicate with the addict, both during an intervention, and while in treatment.
Intervention 911 will help you determine what is best for you and your family, and will work with your financial situation to make it happen.
Take action now to help your loved one, no matter the cost! Call Intervention 911 Today At 844-230-4911!Accountability through drug and alcohol screening provides monitoring needed to continue a life in recovery.
Is there an addict in your life who you only want to help?
Do you feel that the responsibility of keeping your family member clean and sober falls on you?
Ken Seeley, founder of Intervention 911 and experienced interventionist, addresses the importance of addict monitoring during early recovery in this video, and offers his company’s services.
The role of bad guy can be delegated. A trained professional will monitor your loved one for you, checking for sobriety through appropriate means at the time. Randomized drug and alcohol screens at a licensed facility provides peace of mind for you and your family.
The team at Intervention 911 can help. Call now to find out more 844-230-4911 and keep your loved one clean and sober!Notifications