It's the question every caller asks. Call after call I hear the same thing...
What does it mean to be an addict or alcoholic? I’m not talking about the medical definition but at the core who are these people? Here’s what I learned in my 10 years in and out of the rooms of a 12-step program. Addicts and Alcoholics are...
This two-day workshop was a great success and a lot of fun. It gave everyone the opportunity to reach out to fellow colleagues, to meet, dine and socialize with like-minded professionals, to learn from each other, and to grow our outreach. For information on how to attend...
Living with an alcoholic or being close to one often means living in a spiral of despair, guilt, and anger. When a person is addicted to alcohol, they are not in control of their behavior and often act in a way that is dangerous for themselves and those around them. It is a common myth that alcoholics are just people who do not have good character, but the fact of the matter is that anyone can be the victim of addiction.
It has nothing to do with a person’s moral character. If a person is chemically addicted to behavior, they are not in control of their alcohol consumption. This can be hurtful and frustrating for those around the alcoholic, who may not understand why a person cannot quit drinking. They may feel guilt for not being able to do a better job of stopping an alcoholic from drinking, or harbor resentment towards the alcoholic for not being able to drink.
Few things are as difficult as watching a loved one struggle with addiction. Addiction is a destructive force that takes over a person’s entire personality, and watching someone you care about damage themselves, their jobs, and their relatilconships is incredibly difficult and frustrating. It is normal to feel powerless and helpless when someone you love is facing addiction.
Addiction takes over a person’s entire brain and renders them powerless to fight impulses to use. Many addicts may lie about their addiction and how much they use. They may make promises that they intend to quit, or tell people that they have stopped using when they have not.
Addicts are not the only ones who can be in denial about their addiction. Friends and family can also remain in denial about whether their loved one actually needs treatment. How do you know when an addict is at risk? How can you tell if you should stage an intervention?
Few things are as frustrating and upsetting as watching a loved one lose a struggle with addiction. Whether an addict is struggling with abuse of drugs or alcohol, when the addiction has completely taken hold of their lives, they are in essence a slave to that substance. An addict is so fixated on procuring more drugs or alcohol that they place this above literally every other aspect of their lives. They will sacrifice work, shelter, and the most important relationships in their lives in order to find more drugs or alcohol. This is an incredibly dangerous way for a person to live. An addict who is nearing rock bottom is risking their lives every day and must seek treatment if they are ever going to return to their normal selves.
One of the only ways a friend or family member of an addict can help lead an addict towards the decision to seek help is to stage an intervention. There are several methods of intervening with an addict.
Ken Seely, speaks to how an intervention could of ended the sex addiction that lead actor David Carradine to an early death.
Actor David Carradine’s sex addiction is discussed on Jane’s Velez’s show.
Her panel includes top addiction and intervention expert, and author of Find It and Fix It, Ken Seeley; David Carradine’s third ex-wife, Gail Jensen; and TMZ assignment reporter, Mike Walters.
The group identifies that David’s preference was bondage, which Ken Seeley identifies as potential for a diagnosable sex addiction.
Foul Play?Was foul play a part of David Carradine’s untimely death, or was his sexual addiction responsible for asphyxiation, the autopsy-revealed reason for death?
Watch the two-part video interview to hear how David’s death could have been prevented, and how Ken Seeley works to help those who need to begin a life in recovery.
PART 1:Notifications