Understanding the ARISE Approach to Interventions

ARISE intervention

Understanding the ARISE Approach to Interventions

Addiction is an illness that causes sufferers to lose sight of how their condition is negatively impacting their life. A professionally managed drug or alcohol intervention paves the way to a healthy and successful recovery by giving the addicted person an opportunity to identify the extent of their disease and hear how their problem is affecting others. This knowledge then helps the person develop motivation and incentive for positive changes that support sustained sobriety.

The ultimate goal of an intervention is to make a person aware of their drug abuse or alcoholism and the problems it’s creating. With a successful intervention, an individual recognizes they need to make a change, and that an intervention is the best way to help them get there.

The ARISE Intervention

ARISE interventions are designed to help not just the individual, but their family. Addiction is known as a family disease because of the way it harms relationships between family members. Providing loved ones with an opportunity to play an active role in the recovery of someone they care about helps all parties heal and build more constructive behaviors.

In ARISE, the individual who needs help is called a “person of concern,” or PoC. Family members, close friends, co-workers or anyone else who wants to get involved in the intervention is called a concerned other. Once the intervention begins, this group of loved ones forms the intervention network.

No Secrets, No Surprises

One of the key differences between the ARISE model and other types of intervention is that the PoC is aware of the intervention from the get-go. There is no secrecy or sugarcoating involved. An ARISE intervention is a completely transparent process built on a foundation of trust and respect.

Inviting the PoC to actively participate in the intervention gives the addicted individual a stronger sense of ownership and control over their life and health. According to ARISE, this approach gets more than 83 percent of addicted individuals into treatment in three weeks.

The Myth of Rock Bottom

Popular media have perpetuated the stereotype that people must reach a “rock-bottom” event, such as losing custody of their children, before they will be willing to admit they have a problem and accept that they need help. However, this is untrue. The sooner you intervene, the higher your chances of achieving a successful outcome will be.

Because an ARISE intervention involves family members and others who are close to the addicted person, another benefit of the process is that it teaches people the best ways to support their loved one in achieving the goal of lifelong sobriety.

Convincing a Loved One to Seek Help

A properly planned intervention can make all the difference in the life of someone you care about. Don’t watch your loved one continue to deteriorate as the addiction takes over. Contact the Intervention 911 team to begin the healing process and set the stage for a successful recovery journey.

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