Who We Are

Jane Wilson


Jane Wilson, CCMI


Jane is a certified interventionist (CCMI through Breining) and a certified drug counselor (CADC-ll), and a graduate from Antioch University with a BA in Addiction Studies. She is based in Southern California. Jane has personally been in recovery for over 27 years.  She is currently employed at CRI-Help, Inc in Los Angeles, CA. Jane’s passion in the recovery field is holistic recovery for the person in crisis as well as recovery for the entire family and friend system that surrounds the client. She is equipped to counsel and intervene in the areas of alcoholism, drug addiction, co-occurring mental illness and various process/behavioral addictions (such as sex & love addiction, food addiction, exercise addiction, gambling addiction and electronics/gaming/social media addiction). Jane is available for interventions (including pre-interventions and comprehensive case management post-intervention), individual counseling and family realignment, sober transport and all aspects of treatment planning.

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Intervention 911 has highly qualified intervention specialists who can show you how. If you think a valued employee in your work place has a problem and you would like to discuss how Intervention 911 can help, call us today. The call is free.

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