Who We Are

David Gulden

David Gulden, LMHC, MCAP, NCC, CCMI-M

Licensed Therapist – Certified Interventionist

Dave is a licensed Mental Health Counselor (FL MH14683), Certified Master’s Level Addictions Professional (FL 100195), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC 789436) and Certified Case Manager-Interventionist (G1608191051). Dave holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religious studies with an emphasis in Ontological and Ethical philosophy from Brevard College and a Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy from the University of Central Florida. Dave has trained with some of the top interventionists in the recovery field and has held clinical positions as a primary therapist, program manager, clinical coordinator, family program director and clinical director at prominent national treatment providers including JourneyPure and Advanced Recovery Systems.
For more than 11 years, Dave has been dedicated to the recovery process. He believes in an integrative theoretical approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment utilizing various evidence-based techniques aimed at facilitating change while promoting individual and family recovery. Dave views intervention as a loving act aimed at motivating an “impaired” or “addicted” person to seek treatment and recovery. Dave uses his experience as a systems-trained psychotherapist in his work with families who are seeking an intervention for a loved one, as well as throughout the recovery process. Dave and his team at A New Hope Recovery Services provide Interventions, Counseling (individual, couples, family), Assessments, Consultation and Case-Management Services.

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