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  Having "the talk" with your loved ones is rarely successful in motivating them to change. Simply talking to a substance user about their problem will most commonly have one of two results. Either they become angry and rebel at the idea of getting help; or...

The holidays are quickly approaching, and this can be a simultaneously cheerful and strenuous time for people. The holidays can be particularly difficult and stressful for those in recovery. Relationships with family and friends can often be tense during these times. The pressure to attend...

What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, it is a synthetic opioid more than 50 to 100 times stronger than Morphine originally used as a painkiller in cases of severe pain after injury or surgery. It is also used in cases of breakthrough pain...

Maintaining recovery is an everyday battle but with the right support, it is always an achievable task. For their loved ones questions always remain even long after they give up their substance of abuse. Will they stay clean this time? How do I tell if...

COVID 19 is a deadly, viral disease that has affected people in insurmountable and unexpected ways. The disease has spread internationally, affecting more than 180 countries, and has been particularly violent in the United States. The CDC reports that since the onset of the pandemic,...

Addiction affects more than just the person drinking or using drugs – it impacts everyone who cares about them. If you’ve been witnessing a friend or family member’s downward spiral into addiction and have finally decided to stage an intervention, you should be aware that...

You may have heard the phrase, “Addiction is a family disease.” This adage has become widespread not only because addiction affects every member of the family, but also because families play a significant role in addiction and a lifetime of recovery. Your support and understanding...

If you suspect a close friend or family member has developed a substance misuse problem, you may be wondering what to look for and how to help them. Medical professionals have identified several key warning signs of drug-seeking behavior – activities that indicate a drug...

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