
Inhalant Addiction


From the perceived benign use of whipping cream canisters, to the obvious stupidity of inhaling automotive exhaust, there is no such thing as a safe volatile substance. The psychoactive effects of inhalants are inseparable from nerve and organ damage, however, most at risk are children engaged in simple tasks such as mowing the lawn or building crafts that require the use of mineral spirits, lacquers, solvents and/or glue. A great deal of the perceived euphoria is simply oxygen deprivation, however, the user’s attention and presence in the moment is most responsible for the association of any escape from reality. Frankly, meditation and/or biofeedback can train a user to acquire many of the experiences that she desires, without the introduction of exogenous chemistry. Unfortunately and not unique to youth, many of us identify exclusively with our bodies and personify physical experiences as “real” as opposed to neutral sensory information. Inhalants are a threat to the safety and healthy development of our children. Parents and teachers should be particularly mindful of the risks that are present within their control.

Inhalant Abuse

Abuse of inhalants specifically means the self-inflicted maltreatment, injury, or damage to one’s person with inhalants. This includes the physical body of the addict and the social and/or financial harm that will affect this same “natural person” within society. It includes the family, friends, coworkers and congregation members who are likely victims and/or enablers of the addict’s abusive behavior.

Inhalant Addiction and Dependency

Beyond abuse, addiction and dependency are a potential mix of the physiological need for inhalants and psychological or behavioral need for self-medication with inhalants. Ultimately the addict has to desire to be free of their drive for the drug and/or its effects. Unfortunately, a great deal of damage – if not death – is far more likely than an addict seeking treatment on their own.

Inhalant Addiction Intervention

If you are reading this, it is NOT too late. Calls are confidential and anonymous. You may only need information – your loved one may need a drug abuse intervention.

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Intervention 911 has highly qualified intervention specialists who can show you how. If you think a valued employee in your work place has a problem and you would like to discuss how Intervention 911 can help, call us today. The call is free.

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